Pancake Day 2025 - STAFF Volunteers & Raffle

Students' faces light up when they see school staff flipping pancakes, offering raffle experiences, or simply enjoying this school community event.

Might you be able to lend a hand by flipping pancakes or offering a teacher raffle prize to be redeemed anytime this spring?

Please sign up below. Reach out to us with any questions!



To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

You should have access to this email account and be able to receive emails related to this volunteering opportunity.

It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.
Pancake Flippers


Staff Only, Please. Help us flip and serve pancakes at the event on Saturday, 2/8/25. We provide the apron, batter, and tools. You bring the joy for students and families!

8:30 - 9:00 am
Pancake Flippers & Servers
2/08/2025 8:30 am
2 out of 7 filled.
Signed Up: Erin Lichtfuss, Kim Wagner

9:00 - 9:30 am
Pancake Flippers & Servers
2/08/2025 8:30 am
2 out of 7 filled.
Signed Up: Erin Lichtfuss, Kim Wagner

9:30 - 10:00 am
Pancake Flippers & Servers
02/08/2025 09:30 am
4 out of 7 filled.
Signed Up: Elizabeth Asbury, Elizabeth Mandl, Madison Seefeldt (Alt Name: Madison Seefeldt), Sarah Shanes

10:00 - 10:30 am
Pancake Flippers & Servers
02/08/2025 09:30 am
5 out of 7 filled.
Signed Up: Elizabeth Asbury, Elizabeth Mandl, Madison Seefeldt (Alt Name: Madison Seefeldt), Sarah Shanes, Amber Udoni

10:30 - 11:00 am
Pancake Flippers & Servers
02/08/2025 10:30 am
4 out of 7 filled.
Signed Up: Hallie Barr, Tony Candela (Alt Name: Tony Candela), Stephanie Dolby (Alt Name: Stephanie Dolby), Shelly Wexler

Teacher Raffle


The most popular part of this event is usually the teacher raffle. Students buy tickets to put in the bags of their choices to try and win an experience gift from a staff member. This might be a special activity during the school day (guest helper/leader, choose a special activity, eat lunch together, play a game, make a craft, etc.) or other special treat. Some staff prefer to host something individually and others may decide to join forces with other colleagues. You might choose to offer your prize to one student, or allow them to bring a friend or two along. The prize you offer may be redeemed whenever convenient for you this winter or spring.


There is no requirement to participate and creativity is welcome. We appreciate your willingness to consider this idea to help us continue bringing special activities and events to our school community! 


In need of inspiration? Last Year's Prize Offerings Are Listed Below:

Offer a Teacher Raffle Experience
If you know what prize you might offer, please enter it in the details field below. We will email you to confirm information as the event approaches.
2 signed up.
Signed Up: Madison Seefeldt (Prize Details: Lunch & Games with Ms. Seefeldt, Mrs. Duckman, Ms. Lichtfuss, & Mrs. Dolby (4 winners each winner can bring 1 friend))


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